Tag: community calls

  • Episode 47 – A Chaotic Interlude

    In yet another semi-chaotic episode, we called up a bunch of hotels and caused some Calls of Mass Confusion, which we’re known for. Lots of fun calls in this one. Be sure to check out the Individual calls post for isolated audio – we had people chuckling, yelling, and saying some strange things on recorded…

  • Episode 46 – Dwight Strikes Oil

    In this extra-long episode, we talk to lots of hotel front desks, and Dwight strikes oil multiple times. People who ought to hang up the phone… don’t, and stay on the line for extended periods of time. An all-around fun episode with lots of great reactions from the other parties involved. There’s 2 or 3…

  • Episode 45 – Harmonious Shoe

    A weird and wild show awaits you! We called various types of hospitality businesses with lots of weird and fun conversations, as well as a discussion about shoes that seems to go on forever. You can find Nerd Boyz podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nerd-boyz-podcast/id1500478730 Features calls by: Tedwwweb, Dwight The Janitor, Snappybakes, Dwightcord community members…

  • Episode 44 – Keep It Greasey So It’ll Go Down Easy

    We called a bunch of different places, mostly hotels and restaurants, but some other random things and people. Lots of laughs all around, and high-energy antics from all parties involved! Hotel Grease idea by WastedMemory & Dragonmere, brought to us by DogLettuce. Featuring calls by: DogLettuce, despicabledogs, Snappybakes, DTB, Tedwwweb, Dwight the Janitor & Akspa. …

  • Episode 43 – Dripping Gravy In The Vents

    In this episode, we leave meat drippings in the hotel room, have lots of issues getting room bookings, and otherwise cause havoc via the telephone. Features calls by: Hill0ck666, Snappybakes, Tedwwweb, DTB, Dwight the Janitor, DogLettuce, Turbo and Akspa.

  • Episode 42 – Sideways Sanitary Solutions

    In this episode, we called a bunch of different places – hotels, restaurants, solution providers…. and had lots of outrageous chaotic fun, while also ducking a broken outgoing line that didn’t want to work half the time we called people. The live show went an extra hour, but due to the technical issues, the show…

  • Episode 41 – Side-Effects of Ingesting Rancid Oil

    In this episode, the power of editing removed a ton of ringing phones. We left a bunch of crazy voicemails for the unwilling roycipients we encountered, and asked a bunch of weird questions at hotels. We tried to get some special waffles made at Waffle House, and otherwise got into some tomfoolery and trouble. Overall,…

  • Episode 40 – Get Out Of There, It Tickles

    In this energetic episode, we get into fights with random people about items they’re selling, try to get help finding rooms, talk to a dog on the phone, and otherwise cause confusion across the board. There’s some strange stuff in this episode – make sure to listen to the entire show! Special thanks to Patrons:…

  • Episode 39 – Baby New Years’ Diaper Rash

    This was a fun episode. I don’t remember most of it. We got people reacting oddly at every turn. Features calls by: Tedwwweb, Dwight The Janitor, Gordo, MadHatter, Akspa, and the oldManXmas voicemail bot! Immoralhole.com may be blocked by corporate hotspot networks, like AT&T and Starbucks. The workaround may be to search for ‘immoralhole.com‘ or…

  • Episode 38 – Christmas 2022

    In this Christmas-themed show, we try to get trees installed in our hotel rooms, try to buy items from unsuspecting people, and make people laugh along the way. We also got some callbacks with our bots. All in all, a fun filled episode with some weird tree situations. Features calls by: Dwight The Janitor, Tedwwweb,…