Speaker: DogLettuce

  • Episode 59 – Crusty crustacean mustard gas convention

    In this episode, we confuse seafood restaurants for lots of other establishments, and vice-versa, resulting in guaranteed hilarity. We find new ways to inspect gas holes, and answer the age old question regarding whether somebody has a pickle policy.Features calls by: Cat_Astroph3, BigBoyFarts666, DTB, MustardMachine, Snappybakes, Dwight the Janitor, Tedwwweb, Milkman and Akspa. Individual Calls:…

  • Episode 57 – The incident involving Tom Bodett and a greasy dance floor

    In this episode, we call a bunch of places including stores, restaurants, strip clubs (thanks gRuntz!), and hotels with many bizarre premises. AI takes over at one point but we managed to regain control. We find out that Tom Bodett is still kicking and screaming while sliding around on greasy strip club dance floors across…