Episode 136 – The phone will be called
From our 01-02 November 2024 show. We called Japan, the UK, and USA. This whole show was a blur of laughter for both sides of the conversations. One of the best shows of the year.
Features calls by: TheHauseOfWonder, Snappybakes, Turbo, Cat_Astr0ph3, BigBoyFarts666, DTB, Mustard, Dwight the Janitor, Milkman, {Downy the Clown, Dixie Cream, Miriam} and Akspa
Isolated calls and soundbites: https://www.patreon.com/posts/isolated-calls-115370323?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
We wish to give thanks to the following people for helping make the show go:
Dwight the Janitor
WastedMemory for https://RogueServer.com/akspa
Dragonmere for https://Corndown.com
We also wish to thank our Patrons such as:
TheHauseOfWonder, Carlos T, Thunder Paws, CREAM, Ryan T, kloosrits, xpers, Brian N, Mig Chungus, JIAD, Gold Rust, Gordo, Parkman, Chrispy 808, MST3Claye, FancyPants, Anonymous, Mister Turbeaux, Phone Losers of America, BenJammin’, BigBoyFarts666, jESUS PENUS, and Terrbow the high-level squirrel
Be sure to check out our products on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/madhousemilitia/shop
Contact us at [email protected]!