Episode 130 – Strange music in the hotel bones

Community Calls
Community Calls
Episode 130 - Strange music in the hotel bones

From our 04-05 October 2024 Friday and Saturday shows, we called up people with our brands of nonsense over the course of two days, resulting in lots of hilarity and irritation. Teenage rebellion, fireworks, car crashes, people stuck in walls, strange hotel music and noises of inhumane conditions, sign language, buckets, and Richard Gerber. We find out that aliens aren’t real, we shouldn’t sign things with our signature, the milkman is missing, they have caller id, and they are an employee. Anonymongous finds some demonic sweets, akspa can’t find a hotel roof to land on, the hamsters are evolving. “What happened to you? Here, I’ll text it.” Helen gets an ice delivery, the church heirs are missing, and they cannot do that nor should you believe it.

Features calls by: Milkman, BigBoyFarts666, Cat_Astr0ph3, WastedMemory, Gordo, Anonymongous, DTB, Turbo, MST3Claye, {Dixie Cream, Downy the Clown, Miriam} and Akspa.

Separated calls and soundbites: https://www.patreon.com/posts/isolated-calls-113564045?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

We wish to give thanks to the following people for helping make the show go:

Dwight the Janitor

WastedMemory for https://RogueServer.com/akspa

Dragonmere for https://Corndown.com

We also wish to thank our Patrons such as:

CREAM, Ryan T, Carlos T, kloosrits, xpers, Brian N, Mig Chungus, JIAD, Travis B, Gold Rust, Gordo, Parkman, Chrispy 808, MST3Claye, FancyPants, Anonymous, Mister Turbeaux, Phone Losers of America, BenJammin’, Despicabledogs, BigBoyFarts666, jESUS PENUS, and Terrbow the high-level squirrel

Be sure to check out our products on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/madhousemilitia/shop

Contact us at [email protected]!