Tag: dtb
Episode 119 – Rise of the useless AI hotel bots
From our 19-20 July 2024 show, we encounter a bunch of AI assistance bots on the phone, have issues with food, moldy lincoln logs, disgusting things, knob turning, get scolded by the front desk, find disorder and arcades with no games. Lots of weird conversations with people from all over the country at all odd…
Episode 116 – Consuming fire and fireworks for fun and profit
From our 28-29 June 2024 show, we try to get help with our fireworks problems, eat some fireworks, eat some lit matches, make folks concerned and laugh at us. We hear and see strange behavior outside, get gatekeeped from talking to the man, and have many strange conversations with people who should know better. Features…
Episode 113 – Machines, life, and smoking hot hookahs
From our 7-8 June 2024 show, we discuss machines, life, and smoking hot hookahs that will do anything for a low low cost. This is a short but sweet show with TONS of fun calls and long meaningful conversations with people. Features calls by: Snappybakes, BigBoyFarts666, FancyPants, Turbo, Gordo, Milkman, DTB, Dwight the Janitor, Akspa.…
Episode 111 – Redeeming tickets for the throat punching competition
From our 24-25 May 2024 show, Milkman delivers milk, Miriam goes up the flagpole, there’s lots of phone line noise, Milkman’s grandson has duties to perform, there’s a taxidermied seagull, Akspa needs horse talent for a movie, HORSE, The Heatwave Man delivers accelerated molecules of heat, the sandwich that grows, good and bad attitude checks,…
Episode 109 – Learning the means of buttmilk production
From our 10-11 May 2024 show, we learn and seize the means of buttmilk production, confuse the unintelligible, humorous ‘echo call’ attempts, parking lot adventures, musical distractions and grandparent tales. Features calls by: xpers, bhenchodster, Luxapol, DTB, Milkman, Cat_Astr0ph3, Dwight the Janitor, Gordo, Anonymongous, Akspa [Miriam, El Asthma]. Individual Calls: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=103751240&i=18910903Isolated Calls: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=103751240&i=18910901Snippets from Calls:…
Episode 101 – Caress my pillow
From our 15-16 March 2024 show, we try to get reservations, caress pillows, sell pillows, get our feet stuck in toilets, drone security, an encounter with the concernBot that goes awry, feet trapped in holes at the bowling alley, we’re warned not to get into a van, try to become lounge singers, Johan has toilet…
Episode 78 – The Telephone Alliance of America constipates the marriage in the elevator
In this episode, we demanded people slam their phones down, as part of the Telephone Alliance of America, told outlandish stories about things moving up and down, got lost in an elevator, constipated our marriages, and got the test results. A night of hilarity was had by all participants in the Madhouse Militia! Individual Calls:…
Episode 75 – Revving our engines and getting lost on top of buildings exploring with our drone
In this episode, we report on what the pizza guy did with the pizza, get lost on top of and under buildings, rev our bikes and cats in the parking lot and burn rubber, and otherwise cause a ruckus across the world. Features calls to the UK and Canada. Features calls by: Snappybakes, DrUnkPhD, BrianN,…
Episode 69 – The honeybee swarm has closed the store and no one is allowed to come in
This episode includes some really strange and unique calls including one related to the show’s name, as well as elderly jailbreaking and confusing situations put on by a group of like-minded individuals, for your entertainment. Features calls by: Luxapol, Cat_Astroph3, Ruin, BrianN, Snappybakes, DTB, MadHatter, DrUnkPhD, Milkman, Dwight the Janitor, Tedwwweb, Miriam & Akspa. The…
Episode 63 – A four-course meal of beef holes and binoculars
In this episode, we start off with a first course of lovely sister, followed up with a big banana, and frog legs. The second course begins with Dwight’s famous beef holes, Turbo’s suspiciously delicious bee circus, and Milkman’s free train ride. The third course begins with absolute pandamonium, unwanted customers, and people that don’t have…