Instructions for installation:
You will need 7zip or p7zip to uncompress the archive and extract the files.
To install on FreePBX:
Step 1: Unzip all sound files into /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/concernBot (Case-sensitive!)
Step 2: Paste the following into /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf
exten => talk,1,Set(i=${IF($["0${i}"="55"]?7:$[0${i}+1])})
same => n,ExecIf($[${i}=1]?MixMonitor(${UNIQUEID}_${CALLERID(num)}_concernBot.wav,r(${UNIQUEID}_${CALLERID(num)}_concernBot_in.wav)t(${UNIQUEID}_${CALLERID(num)}_concernBot_out.wav)))
same => n,Playback(concernBot/${i})
same => n,BackgroundDetect(concernBot/backgroundnoise,500)
same => n,AGI(picotts.agi,"Your voicemail has been recorded. Please keep speaking if you wish to resume recording.",en-US)
exten => s,n,Hangup
We now include a TTS voice at the end of all the prompts, to alert people that their voicemail has been recorded.